Cultural Dilemmas

Cultural Dilemmas and Issues of Asian Moms in the U.S.

About the Blog

Every year, thousands of Asians leave their countries and come to the U.S. in search of better opportunities for themselves and their families. In the process they leave their homeland physically but are still rooted in it culturally. They face the challenge of settling in a different society. In this new social set-up they not only deal with the predicament of adjusting according to the new norms, but also try to preserve their own culture and traditions.

Women play a significant role as caretakers of the family in Asian culture. In the process of raising their children they face numerous problems as mothers. This blog is a platform to generate a discussion about the cultural issues of Asian mothers who have lived their life in the east and are raising their children in the western world.

Let’s talk about our day-to-day challenges and help each other live a better life.


Third Photograph in the top row: Image courtesy of arztsamui /

Second Photgraph in the bottom row: Image courtesy of Naypong /


3 thoughts on “About the Blog

  1. great work

  2. Among the many cultural dilemmas that we immigrant parents in the U.S experience when raising our children in a different culture is how to engage in the everyday rituals of our adopted homeland so that our children can fully embrace their hyphenated heritage. Family values and nurturing doesn’t change from one culture to other but I personally strongly believe in that always be the best person of both cultures and both world. As a parent you always do the best to raise your children to promote close working relationships among consistent expectations and mutual completeness of country you migrated from and to the country you chose to spend rest of life. The use of positive role models from the community is an integral and valuable component for promoting multicultural. Providing young children with endless opportunities and exposure to beautiful traditions, music and rhythms, instruments, celebrations, books, people, homes, art that is just to name a few!
    It was a great read for me to see how much effort of thoughts has gone in your article. Keep up the good work and embrace the beauty of motherhood.

  3. It was wonderful reading your blog and indeed a very thoughtful subject for mothers like us,who bring up their children in a completely different setup from homeland. I thoroughly agree that , as we try to build up our home and family in a foreign land, we on one hand want to grasp on to our roots and on the other we try to embrace life and culture of the place where we live .
    I live in UK, and feel the same about this issue. I want my daughter to feel at home here and develop into a confident, strong individual, but i also wish her to stay connected with her native country and it’s culture. Back at home,parents don’t have to do much conscious effort as the children absorb so much from their family, grandparents,uncles,aunts,cousins etc. But away from home, and in the absence of all such support, the onus of keeping that cultural flame alive in our kids , comes to rest on us , the mothers. So it becomes a part of our education process for our children. We try to make it an enjoyable and fun job, but it does turn into a dilemma , when it tends to confuse the children. These little, intelligent people ask questions and it gets a bit difficult to give a very intelligible answer ,but we try our best. I know, I am not doing the best job at it, but i am trying, like all of us, and am sure will be able to resolve my daughter’s cultural confusions as she grows up.

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